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Program Planning

In program planning we can find all the features that are in the backlog which are listed under the “Features in the Program backlog” lane. 

Screenshot 36: Click on Planning

These features belong to a particular Program increment of a Program. To know which Features are in the backlog and have to be worked on over the sprint can be observed by choosing the program increment from the drop down box provided at the top right side of the window. Please refer to the screenshot provided below.

Planning the Priority of Features

All features are assigned priority while they are created. This indicates which features need more attention and execution time. However, it is necessary to plan the execution of these features depending on their priority. To plan the priority of the features in Program Planning, below steps can be followed.

Step 1: Choose the feature from the “Features in the Program backlog” lane.

Step 2: Click and drag the feature to the “Priority of Features” lane.

Screenshot 37: Click and Drag Feature to Priority Lane

Step 3: “Priority of Features” lane displays all the features with their priority. That is, from high to low.”

Screenshot 38: Priority of features


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