Adding Solutions to a Program
A solution in Agile can be a product, service or a system delivered to the customer. Prakya teams deliver solutions to the customer that provide an operational value. Solutions are one of the central concepts of Agile and the aim is to develop effective solutions that are desirable, viable, feasible, and sustainable.
The Program and Solution Kanban systems help to visualize the flow of the features from idea funnel to the implementation through the continuous delivery pipeline.
Solutions can be internally developed by development teams or it can act as an external tool that can support the customer.
The following steps will help to associate a Program with a Solution,
Step 1: Click on the ‘Programs’ option on the left hand side menu and choose the appropriate program
Step 2: On clicking the ‘Solutions’ option, all the solutions that have been created will be listed
Step 3: Select the appropriate solution for the program and save it.